I've seen 101 in 1001 lists floating around the blogosphere, and my to-do list loving self can't get enough of them.  I wanted to make a list for myself so that I am constantly reminded of the things that I want to work for, but I struggled with the reality of my situation.   The reality of is, 1001 days is a long time - but a lot of my list requires a lot of time spent planning, especially financially.

What started off as a 101 in 1001 list has simply become a syllabus for my life in the next few years or so.  Instead of 101 in 1001, I decided to create a little "class to-do list" for myself.  Without further adieu, my Future 101 list!

Future 101: 

[x] Graduate from Butler University!
[x] Get a career-oriented job.
[x] Work for a company that I really believe in.
[x] Move into my post-collegiate apartment or house.
[x] Buy a new laptop.
[x] Purchase Adobe Creative Suite.
[x] Join a gym. 
[ ] Send 50 Handwritten Notes. (10/50)
[ ] Watch Mad Men from beginning to end.
[x] Buy an iPhone!
[x] Subscribe to at least four magazines that I can't get enough of.
[x] Make an address book for family and friends.
[ ] Design desktop patterns and prints.
[ ] Share the desktop patterns and prints with the world for kicks and giggles.
[ ] Learn to drive a stick shift.
[ ] Purchase 10 bookshelf-worthy books. (1 2 3 4 5/10)
[x] Read 25 new books (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25/25).
[x] See 10 iconic/classic movies.
[ ] Go to an outdoor concert.
[x] Bike on the Monon trail.
[x] Graduate with a GPA above 3.7.
[x] Buy a great bookshelf or a live in a place with a great built-in.
[x] Save at least $2,000 for travels.
[x] Go on a college spring break trip.
[ ] Go sailing.
[x] Celebrate my 21st birthday in style.
[ ] Do 10 projects from Pinterest.
[x] Go to the Farmer's Market.
[x] Share my blog with "real life" friends.
[x] Run 1 mile without stopping every day for a week.
[x] Attend my sister's high school graduation.
[x] Visit a graduated friend in their new town.
[x] Send more spontaneous texts.
[x] Paint a piece of wooden furniture a bright color.
[ ] Paint a ceramic animal.
[x] Start a stationary collection that fits me.
[x] Take an afternoon and wander in my own city.
[ ] Keep a book of birthdays like my Grandma does.
[x] Donate a bunch of my belongings that aren't necessities/fit my style.
[x] Learn to use photoshop better.
[x] Do a back flip into Lake Michigan.
[x] Run down a sand dune.
[x] Go antiquing.
[x] Go thrifting.
[x] Paint my nails without getting it on my fingers.
[x] Buy a sewing machine.
[x] Find/Thrift/Buy/DIY Bookends.
[ ] Clear the ice off of someone's car for them.
[ ] Take a trip to Boston.
[ ] Go to Newport, RD.
[ ] Find 10 new musicians that I can't get enough of (1 2/10)
[x] Find a church.
[ ] Set aside money for the offering each week at church.
[x] Go to a professional tennis tournament.
[ ] Write a letter to my one-year-older self.
[ ] Blog twice a week consistently.
[x] Travel somewhere new.
[x] Have a gallery wall.
[x] Drive a boat.
[x] Go kayaking/canoeing somewhere that I have never been before.
[x] Buy a wacky shade of nail polish.
[x] Call or write my grandparents without my mother's nudge.
[x] Grow something (herbs, flowers, veggies).
[x] Buy flowers.
[x] Wear a bow in my hair.
[x] Paint/DIY a lamp.
[ ] Photoshop some of my favorite photographs and have them printed.
[ ] Leave an uplifting note on a mirror or window for a friend.
[ ] Cook 5 recipes that I never have before.
[ ] Learn to play a modern/popular song on the piano.
[x] Spend an entire day being lazy in bed.
[ ] Learn the definitions for 10 words that I come across while reading.
[x] Wear a dress that I feel beautiful in.
[ ] Read in a garden.
[ ] Drink in a garden.
[x] Organize my junk box.
[ ] Rediscover 15 classic rock songs that are missing from my playlists.
[x] Check my tire pressure regularly.
[ ] Learn the names of some flowers.
[x] Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art's grounds.
[x] Tweet more often.
[x] Go to an Indianapolis Indian's game.
[ ] Read four (1 2 3) books that have been made into movies.
[ ] Watch the four movies that are associated with the movies in #83.
[x] Go on a road trip.
[x] Fix something that's broken.
[x] Wear my hair in a new way.
[x] Apply for a senior year scholarship.
[x] Find a reliable eye doctor and dentist in Indy. 
[x] Watch a movie that moves me.
[ ] Eat a mushroom.
[ ] Track my diet, sleep and exercise for a week.
[ ] Give blood again.
[x] Eat at 5 local places that I've always passed.
[x] Support other blogs through my blog.
[x] Join a book club.
[x] Listen to NPR while I'm going to work.
[x] Memorize three Bible verses.
[x] Guest blog or participate in another blogger's series.
[ ] Blog about everything that I cross off on this list.